Smartphone Manipulation That Makes Entertainers’ Pictures More Interesting

Balloon Dragon

  Creativity is captured with a click of a button and shared with millions. When I first started out, you needed to shoot 12, 24 or 36 photos before taking the roll of film in to the store to be developed. Then, if you were lucky, you would scan and post the picture to a bulletin … Read more

Eye Contact Lost Because of Social Media

I laugh at all the family members (kids and parents) who have their heads tilted down while clustered at a restaurant table having a meal. Eyes are all fixated downward; shoulders are rounded. Etiquette and business instructions that stress good body posture and eye contact must be going crazy with society so fixated on mobile communication. Social … Read more

Balloon Entertainer Designs C.R.A.P.

CRAP Banner

The Muse runneth amuck and has guided my hands throughout my career.  I will twist a figure, look at it from different angles, and realize it is crap.  But the Muse is not finished with me; they guide me to try again with a different size, color, and shape.  With each twist, my mind spurs … Read more

Dale’s Update #2

This is my second video blog posting.  Let me know what you think? What parts did you like about the update and what needs improvement? I added a new opening to the video plus working on sound effect.  Big learning curve when it comes to adding effect to the video – especially editing the audio … Read more

Take a Minute to Increase Your Income

Take A Minute Banner

Are you taking advantage of the opportunity given to you to make extra money?  You spend hours networking on Facebook and Twittering each day, so why not turn that into a moneymaking opportunity? Advertise a URL to earn money Entertainers, parents, and hobbyists are always looking for companies that supply quality products. Make money by … Read more

How I get People to Follow Me on Twitter and Facebook

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

This is a question is asked of many successful websites—“How do you get people to follow you?  I Twitter and Facebook all the time, but cannot get people to follow me? “ Many people, who follow an entertainer, follow them because they are interested in what they do for a living.  Followers are curious about … Read more

Life is Twitterific: Twitter and how to effectively use it for traffic.

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

Maybe you have been living in a hole and havn’t seen Twitter yet, but if your in the real world you have heard of this GIANT of Web2.0. Twitter is a powerhouse of content. With it you can track ongoing trends worldwide. You can use resources to find localized people who are potential clients. You … Read more

Draw Big Crowds to your Library Show using Social Networking

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

How to Draw Big Crowds to your Library Show using Social Networking and Basic Marketing Techniques Every entertainer dreams of having hundreds of people turnout to watch their library performance, but deep down fear that nobody will show. In a down economy, both the entertainer and library are gambling that people will be doing more … Read more