Powerful Businesses To Watch During The Covid-19 Pandemic

In this article, I will discuss Covid-19, Disney, and the future of larger events. Covid-19 is a super leach that attached itself to our world and is draining it of social interaction.  Amusement parks, community events, and sporting events struggle to develop a protocol for dealing with this pandemic. I do not have specialized medical … Read more

4 Warning Signs To Look For – TheTip Will Be Small


Imagine you are entertaining at a restaurant. You see five kids waiting for you. A mom pulls out a handful of singles, and each child is given one dollar.  Does this affect or change your entertainment style? Ten one dollar parent happened to me the other day, and I noticed my entertainment style changed. I normally upsell … Read more

Don’t Make This Mistake While Shooting A TV Segment

WGN Morning Show back stage

When I arrive at the WGN Studio at 7:30 AM, I was greeted by the WGN helicopter landing in the parking lot.  I walk in the studio with Traffic Reporter Sarah Jindra. I was directed to the cafeteria by security to wait.  Nothing special as it just a room with vending machines, tables, two TVs … Read more

Mind Mapping “AWESOME”

Dale Obrochta

It bugs me when I see the same message posted or tweeted over and over again on a friend’s social media site because they have associated all the sites together. As a result, I’ve mind mapped my social media tweets and post to ensure I don’t spam my followers. The concept of mind mapping was … Read more

It’s all About Line Twisting

Dale Obrochta

During my thirty-plus years of balloon twisting, I have learned some valuable information regarding line twisting. Line twisting is when a balloon entertainer faces the challenge of making as many balloons as possible in a given period while kids stand in line waiting for a balloon. Every balloon entertainer will be placed in this situation, … Read more

To Achieve Success You must Perform

Balloon meme congressman

We have all heard, to be good at anything you need to practice, but practicing and performing are two different things. Take a movie star and place them in a Broadway stage show, where there are no second takes. They must adapt, cover up, and make corrections on the fly. This is one reason why … Read more

Twisting Balloons in the Bitter Cold

Balloon artist Dale Obrochta - dressed to entertain people at a winter festival

For decades, the talk among balloon entertainers has always been about how to twist a balloon in extreme heat. Yet few conversations talk about twisting balloons in extreme cold. This past weekend I had the opportunity to twist balloons in 36-degree temperatures, with winds between 10-20, with the occasional gusts to 30, miles per hour. … Read more

How To Take Two Simple Halloween Balloon Figures And Make It Awesome

Halloween ghost photobomb

I have always been a fan of combining balloon figures and Halloween is the time of year when I like putting a twist on designs. Popular among the kids is photobombing, and I thought what would happen if a ghost decided to photobomb a teenager. What would that look like? Well a couple of balloon … Read more

Balloon Entertainer Takes A Stand

No base balloon bottom of Minion

Have you ever tried to cook a chicken with a beer can stuck inside it? No matter how careful you are, the chick is just top-heavy and wants to fall over. Years ago, I was not sure where my mom bought this handy little device, but we had a rack that you push into the … Read more

How I Calculate Balloons Made Per Hour

Balloon Festival hat

The event is over and my pocket is bulging. Today was that rare day when everyone wanted to tip. I did not ask for it. I was not encouraging it. It just happened. The event was a two hour public event and when it was over I walked away with one $10, two $5 and … Read more