How Henry Ford Destroyed the Balloon Business

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The mindset influenced by Henry Ford is negatively impacting the balloon entertainment industry. It is crucial to develop new strategies to move forward. The Balloon Dilemma: Struggling Against Mass Production Mindset Producing the same balloon animal repeatedly for a long line of kids can be tiresome. Henry Ford, who revolutionized business production processes, is often … Read more

The Psychology of Waiting: Insights from a Balloon Entertainer

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In pursuing self-improvement this month, I’ve been digesting content by Simon Sinek, who currently holds the top spot on my YouTube playlist, especially during my workout sessions. In his discussion, Sinek delved into fixations and obstacles, which I quickly related to a child waiting for a balloon and a parent who refused to wait in … Read more

It’s all About Line Twisting

Dale Obrochta

During my thirty-plus years of balloon twisting, I have learned some valuable information regarding line twisting. Line twisting is when a balloon entertainer faces the challenge of making as many balloons as possible in a given period while kids stand in line waiting for a balloon. Every balloon entertainer will be placed in this situation, … Read more

Splitting the Line

Dale Obrochta Balloon Show

Here is a line technique for better control of a line while giving the appearance lines are smaller. I look up, and all I can see are eyes looking back. Moms are standing, smiling, yet I can see in their eyes they have other places to be, things to do, and standing in line for … Read more

Reduce Stress While Line Twisting

My oasis of comfort brings my body relief. I was working a trade show and was showing a newbie how to spot a veteran sales manager who knows how to setup a trade show booth. All you need to do is walk into their booth and your feet will tell you, “Yes, this is where … Read more

3 Facebook Groups You Should Know About

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Specialized Balloon Facebook Groups Over the past few months, I have seen an increase in specialty groups for the balloon industry on Facebook. The three newest groups are the Deco-Twister Balloon Artists, Hairbanders!, and Line Twisting. Deco-Twister Balloon Artists focuses on decorating with twisting balloons. This field has grown over the past three years because of … Read more