How To Grow A Balloon Business

Grow your balloon business

The other day I was scrolling through Facebook, and I came across a blog post. The entertainer asked for advice on how to grow their balloon business when faced with competing companies offering a similar service? A common theme read through most replies is keeping your prices competitive, not giving it away, valuing your work, … Read more

How To Raise Prices On Repeat Customers

Balloon sales, price increase as you need to raise prices on past clients

How do you handle raising prices on repeat customers that you’ve previously charged a lower rate? Early in my career, I consider using a low price strategy to capture the market, but after hearing a story from my dad, I changed my mind. My father’s colleague’s wife, Sarah, opened a beauty salon, and her goal … Read more

3 Solutions For Transporting Balloons You Need To Know

Cheap way to transport balloon for balloon decorating

Years ago, a local banquet hall hired me to entertain families visiting Santa. The banquet manager is looking to avoid long lines of kids waiting for a balloon animal. Instead, the manager requested that I premake the balloon animals and hand them out at the event. It sounds like an easy job. The day before … Read more

Bone Weave Is Great For Hiding a Pole

The bone weave is used for balloon centerpieces as a way to cover or highlight a balloon frame

I’m so tired of seeing the three balloon wrap to cover a frame or pole that I had to create a video showing a different option.  I know some people who will say, “Dale, the three balloon spiral wrap is easy, quick, and if it breaks, can be fixed instantly.”   Well, to that, I say, … Read more

How to Make Spinning Balloon Art

Spinning Balloon Yard Art

With the Covid-19 pandemic plaguing the entertainment industry, I find myself doing more balloon decor outside, which brings me to my nemesis, the wind. It never fails, every balloon delivery, installation, or balloon show, and the wind begins to below. Balloons have no weight, and bends, twist, and vibrate in the wind at will. The … Read more

The 10-Minute Read That Will Improve Your Balloon Yard Art

Balloon Yard Art poles used in balloon decorating

The secret behind balloon yard art: Poles Balloon yard art is nothing new, as balloon decorators have created arches, columns, and pool decor for decades.  With Covid-19 canceling many parties and entertainers seeking work, the balloon yard art niche has grown this year. The famous question is, what pole do you recommend for balloon yard … Read more

The Kit That Successful Balloon Yard Art Installer Must Have On Them

Things your should bring an a balloon installation when installing balloon yard art

Balloon Yard Art Emergency Kit Have you ever had that uneasy feeling when delivering balloon decor? You know that unsettling feeling that something is going to go wrong with the balloon yard art installation, and you’re going to do an emergency fix on site. Here are the things I bring when installing balloon yard art.  … Read more

Decoding the World of Balloon Animal Artistry: Unveiling the Secrets Behind Balloon Artists and Their Enchanting Creations?

Facebook Ad - Birthday Party

“What would you name yourself?” You might anticipate this dialogue in a sci-fi film, where a glamorous heroine inquires about an alien’s origin. Surprisingly, this question has been posed numerous times by parents attempting to determine a suitable title for someone skilled in crafting balloon animals. I define balloon animal makers, folders, twisters, manipulators, and … Read more

Learn How To Make A Princess Sword

Princess Sword Combo Mashup

The Princess Sword Mashup Sarah looks up at me very excited and asks for a unicorn, followed by her two older brothers asking for swords. Full combat sets forth, and Sarah looks at her brothers, and the excitement drains from her face as she realizes she really wants a sword. This is not the first … Read more

How To Intertwine Speaking with Balloon Art

Speaking - Balloon Twisting

What makes you different from all the others? That is the question that I and maybe you have struggled with when asked by marketing people to define your balloon business.  For me, it was how I described myself. In my mind, I see the balloon entertainment industry in three sectors. Balloon Decorators Balloon Artists Balloon … Read more