How I Calculate Balloons Made Per Hour

Balloon Festival hat

The event is over and my pocket is bulging. Today was that rare day when everyone wanted to tip. I did not ask for it. I was not encouraging it. It just happened. The event was a two hour public event and when it was over I walked away with one $10, two $5 and … Read more

Summer Fun Means Marketing for Fall

Dale Obrochta

This is the time of year when I struggle to keep focused. Nice weather, family activities, and the weather drain me physically. It is nice getting up in the morning and having breakfast outside on the deck, watching the birds feed at the bird feeder. I check to see how the vegetable garden is progressing … Read more

TurFo – The Football Fans Turkey

I have been wracking my brain all month on what type of turkey balloon figures to make for my blog.  Last year, I created several unique turkey designs, and I was stumped on what to make this year. Then it hit me like a balloon exploding in my face. Football! Football and Thanksgiving go hand … Read more

Nov, Dec – January?

Two more months Then what do I do? January will be here in a blink of an eye.  No more holiday balloons to make, no more scurrying form place to place. Or will I?  Now is the time I need to look to the future to plan, to figure, to scheme. Where will I go? … Read more

November is for Turkey’s

Turkey Balloon Hat

Thanksgiving is on my mind… The leaves have fallen; lawnmowers are being stored and replaced with snow blowers. Summer clothes are being stored away, and lost money is found in coats hoarded from years past. The warmth of the furnace reminds me summer has gone. Yet, the night sky is clear, and the stars shine … Read more

Happy Thanksgiving 2011

May your stuffing be tasty, May your turkey plump, May your potatoes and gravy, Have nary a lump. May your yams be delicious, And your pies take the prize, And may your Thanksgiving dinner Stay off your Belly and Thighs! Happy Thanksgiving! God Bless! Subscribe to Dale’s Blog and get notified when new posting occur. … Read more



My wife just called this “creepy,” I call it “Turkey-n-Disguise.” As the countdown to Thanksgiving nears, and the turkeys are in hiding, I created this balloon sculpture to honor the turkeys that made it this year. So keep a watchful eye out for that foul-smelling man; who knows, he may be a turkey in disguise. … Read more

Time to Get the Turkey

Turkey Balloon Animals

Doesn’t matter how you slice it, there’s going to be turkey on my plate. This weekend is going to be crazy at the grocery stores with everyone stocking up for Thanksgiving. Do you go with a fresh whole turkey, process turkey, or skip the dark meat altogether and go for the turkey breast?  Whether you … Read more

Turkeyed Out

Turkey is the food that we eat once a year Have you noticed the day after Thanksgiving, the desire to eat more turkey is gone?  We may eat it cold, warm, mix it into other food dishes, but after just a couple of days, we are turkeyed out. What’s up with that?  Unlike hamburgers, pizza, … Read more