To Achieve Success You must Perform

Balloon meme congressman

We have all heard, to be good at anything you need to practice, but practicing and performing are two different things. Take a movie star and place them in a Broadway stage show, where there are no second takes. They must adapt, cover up, and make corrections on the fly. This is one reason why … Read more

Educating with Balloons

Educating with Balloon Banner

Comedy, balloons, and knowledge twisted for an afternoon of educational fun. This coming Wednesday, October 19, 2011, I will be presenting to the Lombard Chamber of Commerce on How to Enhance Your Businesses through Your Image. This forty-five-minute presentation intertwines balloon art with business logic.  The Chamber will be videotaping the presentation to air on … Read more

Showcasing for The Therapist Association of Chicago

Magical Balloon Dude Dale, Dale Obrochta

I will be showcasing my balloon show and motivational speaking program for Therapist Association of Chicago on September 15th.  This will be the first time I’ll be showcasing for this industry and I’m excited to be in front of this association. My motivational presentation showcase will include a Peacock as part of the presentation.  Learn … Read more