Using Instagram To Feed The Social Media Beast

We must feed the social media beast if we want to marketing our business

The social media beast is never full, and I must feed it daily.  Feeding the beast, as I call it, requires constant communication with my inner muse.  Over time I realize that I have created memes, blogs, videos, pictures, infographics, and much of this content is a one and done viewing. Today, I posted to … Read more

How to Get More Viewers on Instagram

Instagram logo

Get more viewers on Instagram using Many people think Instagram is a waste of time. In many cases, they are right. However, if you know how to track your data, Instagram and social media are powerful tools. Here is a trick that I just learned this past week and I am now sharing with you. How … Read more

How to Build Followers and Get More Subscribers

Arrow with people

Over the years, I have learned that there is no quick way to build a fan base. You can try spamming everyone in the industry to “Like” your page, ask them to subscribe, beg them to follow, or just ask them to participate in a discussion, but human nature holds them back. Years ago, I read a marketing study … Read more

Smartphone Manipulation That Makes Entertainers’ Pictures More Interesting

Balloon Dragon

  Creativity is captured with a click of a button and shared with millions. When I first started out, you needed to shoot 12, 24 or 36 photos before taking the roll of film in to the store to be developed. Then, if you were lucky, you would scan and post the picture to a bulletin … Read more

Eye Contact Lost Because of Social Media

I laugh at all the family members (kids and parents) who have their heads tilted down while clustered at a restaurant table having a meal. Eyes are all fixated downward; shoulders are rounded. Etiquette and business instructions that stress good body posture and eye contact must be going crazy with society so fixated on mobile communication. Social … Read more