How to Build Followers and Get More Subscribers

Fol671_27760Over the years, I have learned that there is no quick way to build a fan base. You can try spamming everyone in the industry to “Like” your page, ask them to subscribe, beg them to follow, or just ask them to participate in a discussion, but human nature holds them back.

Years ago, I read a marketing study that said it could take a customer seven times viewing an ad before they may react. Have you ever ordered carpeting from the company whose phone number is 588-you know the rest? Just because they know of you does not mean they will become followers.

Converting people to fans, followers, and subscribers take time and trust. I recently started Video Blogging or Vlogging. I wish I could report that I have thousands of viewers, but the truth is it takes time to build a following. It may take me months or years to break 1,000 views in one day, but if I keep making them, it is going to happen.

 The Key to Getting More Followers

Consistency is the key. I try at the beginning of the week to post one picture on Instagram. At present, I have 75 followers and am gaining a new viewer each week. Every other day I write a blog post. Readership exceeds 200 per day and is growing. My Vlog, which is done weekly, reaches under 75 people a week. Posting on Facebook could be seen by nobody; however, my best day was 1,775 viewers. That was for my Cheshire cat picture. If you have not studied your Facebook seen by stats, you really should. Learn what people want to see and read. It is a fast way to improve Facebook stats.

Trust is a critical element in building a relationship. People do not like to follow people they do not trust. Build trust over time and be consistent in what you do. Trust is built with every post, blog, video, and comment. In a year’s time, you will likely find that your numbers have doubled, and the amount of interaction between views has also increased.

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