Life is Twitterific: Twitter and how to effectively use it for traffic.

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

Maybe you have been living in a hole and havn’t seen Twitter yet, but if your in the real world you have heard of this GIANT of Web2.0. Twitter is a powerhouse of content. With it you can track ongoing trends worldwide. You can use resources to find localized people who are potential clients. You … Read more

The Basics of a Search Engine Ranking

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

Search engine rankings will either make your online marketing successfully or make it a time / money sink that will kill your company. The better your rankings the more targeted traffic you will receive and the more conversions you will have.  By having a front page listing within the non paid advertising sections you increase … Read more

Tips On Writing An Article People Will Read

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

Have you ever suffered from writers block? I have, I actually have been having a hard time coming up with unique things to talk about in these 10 articles. Article writing is a crucial part of keeping your site healthy and demanding that search engines come back often . By writing and submitting articles on … Read more

Protecting Your Brand Online

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

In today’s world, you need to know if someone is talking about you online. To do this is a simple thing and is not too complex to set up (no, really you can do this). As a service, we call this Reputation Monitoring, and some companies (cough cough) charge a monthly fee to do this, … Read more

Website Basics for Entertainers

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

I have a few recommended best practices for you to be thinking about while developing your website. These are basic and will help you build a powerful website that ranks well. These are the basics for all websites and before we can dig into some of the more fun topics this must be covered. 1. … Read more