Body Painting 101

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

Body painting for some face painters is a natural progression – once you have painted a thousand faces, you start to want to expand your painting surface. Body painting corporate work can be very profitable – a lot of hard work, but it can pay well.  Doing corporate images and logos is where the profit … Read more

How to Make A Balloon Hat – Argh Pirate Hat that is.

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

It doesn’t matter what time of year it is, little boys LOVE a pirate hat and a quick sword! This one is a piece of cake. Inflate TWO black 260s leaving about a 1″ tip. Burp, tie off. Make about an 8″ loop on each of the balloons on the nozzle end. Put a loop … Read more

Clients are not biting. What’s the dealio?

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

You are selling yourself and are pretty darn good, but companies are not biting. What’s the problem? It could be a number of items, but in this case, I believe it is a branding issue. My client, Russell, wondered why he isn’t landing more business. Think about this scenario. Buying a product process Before you … Read more

Building a Show Pt 4

Built a Show PT 4

Theming your Performance – Part 4 “To entertain for the purpose of temporarily taking someone from their cares and worries in the world is noble…but to recognize an entertainer’s ability to REACH an audience and UTILIZE that gift for an educational purpose…holds FAR greater value”                                 Jimmy Leo It was a wonderful ride home and the … Read more

Does it Really Matter if you have your Colors Organized?

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

I guess that all adds up to personal preferences! How you like to work. There are almost a hundred ways to do it. Work out of the plastic bag that you got your balloons in. Work out of a pouch with the colors all mixed up. Work out of an apron where the colors are … Read more

Advertsing Tips to Increase Sales Part Two

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

Since I screwed up and didn’t follow my advice and schedule time to send in my articles, I decided to send two articles today. They will both be further advice on advertising. Part 2 Make an irresistible offer. This is a way to create a first contact with potential clients. Offer them a deal that … Read more

Will you be remembered?

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

Five guests are gathered around you, watching your every move. What will happen next?  You put your hands in your pocket and pull out silver lengths of rubber. Then an explosion of movement has your arms moving in an orderly frenzy, creating tubes of air. Voila! In front of their eyes is a functioning balloon … Read more

How to make Balloon Hat Basics

Balloon Animals Featured Blog Post, by Balloon Artist Dale Obrochta

I am not going to give you an extensive library of balloon hat ideas here. There are enough great balloon hat books and DVD’s already out on the market. You can also google balloon hat ideas and you will get a load of great ideas that you can incorporate into your own balloon hat art. … Read more