How to make balloon animals

This is the first video of 10 on how to make balloon animals. This opening video explains who I am, what you will need, and balloon safety instructions.


Introduction and Safety Notes


Each video will explain who I am and what balloon animal I’m going to teach. The first video clip demonstrates simple balloon twisting skills and then combines techniques to reach more advanced balloon animals. As each video progresses, you will be using the abilities required from previous video clips.

.Video 1- How to make a mouse and sword out of balloons

This video clip will teach the basics of balloon animal twisting.

Video 2 – Simple Balloon Animals, the Poodle

This video will teach you how to make a poodle dog, make the poodle tail, and enhance it by drawing a face on the balloon animal.

I didn’t want to crash my blog by uploading ten videos in one post, so you’re going to have to come back next week when I post the next series. I recommend that you practice these balloon figures first before jumping ahead. Give yourself some time to work with the basic shapes, and once you have done them 20-50 times each, move on. Like any skill, you don’t become a professional by doing it once.

For more instructions, check out Kids Stuff.

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3 thoughts on “How to make balloon animals”

  1. i waz wondering if you could e-mail me a video on how to make the simpsons out of twisting balloons

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