Balloon Animal Entertainer Uses a Gravatar to Band Products and Services into Blog Posting

Dale Gravatar - Balloon Entertainer

I am amazed at how many entertainers miss the opportunity to brand themselves or an image to a blog post or comment.  Many times, when skimming through blogs, I will recognize a gravatar and immediately I know who made the post. Branding and image to the person allows readers, like me, to know if it is a creditable source or just that jerk whose ego is running amuck posting gibberish just to get a link back to their website.  I use a promotional picture of me with multiple balloons. Personally, I think it establishes a little more creditability than a random picture or design plus I brand my image with balloons.    This way, recurring readers can quickly distinguish me as the Magical Balloon-dude Dale and my post is based on an interest or knowledge in the topic and not just posting for reciprocal links.

For that not Internet savvy, when it comes to posting, a gravatar is a universal image that you use to represent yourself in the blogging world. is a free service that allows you to create a Gravatar and when you post on a blog, the image is included in your post.  Obtaining a gravatar requires a working email address and an image. You can use any image, as long as it is in the proper format and size.  Typically, JPG, GIF, PNG graphic formats with a size of 80 x 80.

Gravatar will work here in Dale’s Balloon Animal Blog.  All you need to do is create a gravatar and then make a post.  If done properly, your gravatar will appear in your comments.

If you are a registered user of Dale’s Blog you can also log in to your account by clicking on Register and then under the registration information–login. Once login, you can then add more information like website, email, and an image that can be used as a Gravatar.  Please note the gravatar you use here will only work in this blog; it is not a universal gravatar.  For that, you will need to create one at

I look forward to seeing many interesting gravatar’s along with your comments.

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