Tips To Having A Better Year And Holiday Season

How I Survive the Busy Season

Over 33-years, I’ve been entertaining, and I have learned you have to keep in shape if you want to survive the busy season.

From situps, pushups, and leg workouts, I’ve found keeping your body in shape makes a big difference.

When I first started, I was a young guy in shape, and working out was just part of life.  My life changed; I got married, had kids, and as my life changed, so made my eating, sleeping, and workout habits.

My goal is not to become a professional bodybuilder, but to prepare my body for long days of standing, sitting, and eating habits change.

I found working on my core has helped with standing for long hours.  Doing leg exercises and working large muscles helps burn off those late-night meals, and keeping my upper body in shape keeps back muscles from tightening after a long gig.

Working out and staying in shape will extend your entertaining career, and you will feel better.

Drop me a comment if you are working out and share your success story.

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Tips To Having A Better Year And Holiday Season
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Tips To Having A Better Year And Holiday Season
A brief article talking about how diet, exercise, can prolong a career.
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4 thoughts on “Tips To Having A Better Year And Holiday Season”

  1. Thank you for you post My goal has been to walk at least 5 miles. A day since Christmas and this summer I have had more energy during my gigs. Carrying my equipment has been a breeze this summer. Walking has really helped my endurance. Thanks for your post

  2. Hi You help me allot on everything about balloon shows and idea what to do for giving my best for the children. Thank you BOBO the Clown

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