The Endless Cycle of Marketing

242891dc-5ba6-4683-b43b-395e34ab1905.tmbIn the blink of an eye, another day passes, and with each passing day, so does another day spent marketing my business. The countless hours spent making new connections, networking with old clients, interacting with entertainers, and developing new websites are never-ending tasks.

With the holidays quickly approaching, I am already looking past them to January, February, and March 2015. It feels like it is a long way away, but it’s not. I need to have all my marketing material developed now and ready for people to book events in the months to come.

Recently, I have been working on a new marketing schedule. I like to call it a 90-minute marketing workout. The goal is to develop a marketing pattern, a series of things to do in 90 minutes. The program is designed to keep me actively marketing. I know how easy it is to sit back and wait for the phone to ring after sending out a large marketing campaign, just to be disappointed when the phone doesn’t ring.

So far, I am having good success with the program. I realized that marketing without a purpose was more busy work than really productive marketing. I thought I needed to be in my office eight hours a day to be productive, but in reality, if I focus my time correctly, I can accomplish more in a 90-minute workout than in an eight-hour day.

90-minute-marketingThe 90-minute marketing is a lifestyle change for me. Each day, I look at the chart, figure out what I need to do to achieve my goals, and then focus the next 90 minutes on that task. My mother would say, “If you do a little every day, you will achieve a lot,” and she’s right.

Over the next 90 days, I will redefine and expand this 90-minute marketing workout from a 30-day program to a full 90-day one. One of my goals is to constantly market 90 days in advance and create a constant marketing cycle. Each day, the marketing tactics change, keeping me from getting burned out and keeping the marketing exciting, fresh, and constantly happening.

My second goal is to transform this program into a 90-minute marketing program that I can sell. Before I can do this, I need a group of people to go through the Beta testing. If you are interested, please email me at Dale(a) Together, we can grow bigger and smarter and, along the way, become better marketing machines.

5 thoughts on “The Endless Cycle of Marketing”

  1. Ian, that’s great, but hopefully your not doing the same thing over and over again. Like building muscles and losing weight, you have to change the program up regularly to keep things fresh and to ensure success. Work one muscle and your going to have very strong arms, but weak legs. ;0)

  2. Hi Dale,

    Your 90 minute concept sounds awesome and interesting. Marketing is always tough and can drag you down and wear you out if you don’t get the results you require.

    I think your ideas could be used for any business.

    Currently i use agents for my balloon twisting but am backing away from them and may go independent and try for my own bookings. Of course I could do both.

  3. Hey Dale… Sign me up!!!
    Totally need to get focused on marketing, instead of the “putting fires out” method.

    LOVE the idea, Im in 🙂

    When does it start?

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