Display Options for Face Painters

When you are planning to set-up to work as a professional face painter you will need to consider how you will show your potential clients what you are able to paint or the choices they have that particular day.

Your choice of methods is fairly wide depending on how much you want to spend, how handy you are, how much space you have, how your booth is arranged and whether you work hourly or pay-per-face.

If you have unlimited cash you could get professional custom trade show displays made – but I doubt most of us will be doing that!  However the banner-type of panel that rolls-up into a base are quite reasonable.  These would work well for booths and high traffic events to attract attention.

Table top displays are another option.  Cost varies here a lot depending on if you decide to use a professional fabric covered table-top display unit or decide to use a three-panel science project display board from the office supply store, or build your own from a cardboard box covered in sticky paper.  All of these are equally effective.

Table Top Display Unit

You can create hanging displays to use with awnings, tents or off the edge of your table or across the backs of chairs.  You could have a vinyl banner custom made, or create your own banner by printing off photos on your computer, laminate them then punch holes in the corners, string them on a cord and then tie them across your work area from chair to chair which doubles as a barricade.  There are also various commercially available hanging pocket display options – from trading card displays, to shoe storage hangers that you can insert photos into.

You can use an A-frame or sandwich board sign or sawhorse to mount flat panels on.  You can use a photo album or three-ring binder, or a laminated sheet showing the design available today.

Table Sign and A-Frame Sign

Some artists chose to work from a simple list of names, or a collage of photos stating “like these” rather than specific individual photos of named designs.

And there are also those who do not display or list anything – they just let the customer tell them what they want.

Choose or design a display that will work in your situation and fit your budget.  But remember to consider the following:

  • Will you want to change, rearrange the photos you use often?
  • Portability – heavy or light and easy to move and set-up?
  • Stability – does it blow over in the wind or tip easily?
  • Visibility – can people see it as they walk by and does it attract attention?

And finally, don’t be afraid to update and change your display as often as you need to.

© Shannon Fennell 2009

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