What’s Normal About Making Hats

Dale-Balloon-HatFor most of my adult life, I have been entertaining on weekends and I am not sure what “normal” people do when not working.  This weekend is one of those weekends where I have most of Saturday and Sunday off, but I am not sitting in front of the TV, reading a book, or playing round on the Internet. I am planning, developing, and perfecting new skills.

This week, I am using techniques that I have not used in prior years in make hats. Years of perfecting characters, animals, and balloon manipulation  and making hats interesting.  As I study the hat, my mind races and before I know it, I see previously made characters and animals in these new designs. Once I visually see parts of different figures combined, the memorization process becomes incredibly simple for me.

I may not have a “normal” weekend like some people, yet for me this is normal.  I guess if I really want normal I would join the rat race of a 9-5 job.  I think I will stick to what I am doing, it’s more fun.

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