I’m sitting on my front porch watching it rain and thinking, “baseball practice this afternoon is canceled,” and within that moment, it occurred to me there might be a silver lining in 2020 that I’m overlooking.
For as long as I can remember, there have been select dates circled on the show calendar that I look forward to each year. These events are fun, outside, and have an exceptional paycheck.
I want to say the weather is beautiful, but 90% of the time, these summer events are hot, muggy, or rainy. This year, I have a feeling the weather is going to be perfect.
Circle the Dates
This year things are going to be different as Covid-19 has canceled these events. I plan to do something special on these dates. It might be fishing, hanging with the family, or watching a movie.
Yes, financially, it is a setback not having these events, but the silver lining is I get to do something that I would not be able to do because of work.
(Ok, I need to interject something here that I find ironic as I proofread this article. The three options I listed, fishing, hanging with family, and watching a movie, might have been unique if I hadn’t been quarantined for three months.) Now back to my thoughts…
Get Together
I joke with a friend; this might be the first time in all our careers that a group of entertainers can get together on July 4th. We can celebrate together as a family—no running between parades and festivals. No worries about dehydration or changing in portapotties; it’s all about relaxing. I can only imagine how much fun/trouble I can have with a group of entertainers at my house.
A calendar of events controls my summer. This year I have control over what I do this holiday. On the upside, if it’s hotter than heck or rainy, I’ll be comfortable and safe at home.
I’m not going to miss having to deal with rude people, traffic, and the silliness that I’ve dealt with for years. This year, as we all know, is different.
Do you have a yearly event that the weather seems to be uncooperative?
Yes – it IS an awesome silver lining!
We actually have more control and more options! I’ve always admired your positive attitude-it needs to be bottled!