Learn How To Entertain Families At A Library

Balloon Show Midlothian Park DistrictFun-Filled Family Balloon Show at the Library

A choreographed balloon show commands comedy, music, and balloon twisting into a 45-minute show at Midlothian Public Library.

You hear giggles from children and adults laughing this afternoon at the Midlothian Public Library as families watch the balloon show Art of Inflation. A choreographed balloon show that commands comedy, music, and balloon twisting into a 45-minute show.

The show starts with Dale Obrochta performing a choreographed balloon twisting to music medley that goes through a series of balloon designs of comedic balloon worm, stick bug, guitar, hat, and a balloon dog. Kids giggled at the stick bug as Dale slap the balloon on his head, and right in the middle of the segment, an amusing tongue-twisted speech captures the parent’s attention, followed by a sequence of multi-colored balloons waved in the air and transformed into a hat.

The hat takes on many different looks in this open act, from a simple hat to and progressed to a flower hat, which at the end transforms into a peacock. Both parents and kids applauded, and this just the start of the show.

Midlothian Public Library, Youth Service Department was welcoming Spring with a balloon entertainer, “Magical Balloon-dude Dale,” to the library on April 4, 2016. Dale’s mixes amazing balloon creations with comedy geared toward families. Dale Obrochta’s show, Art of Inflation, books performances in numerous venues.

“We look for great shows that not only will the kids like, but the parents will enjoy,” says Jennifer Cottrill, Youth Service Manager.

Laughs were plentiful as Dale’s comedy had both kids and parents laughing as he worked his way into the audience to pick a volunteer. Volunteers were not limited to just the kids as Dale selected parents to help build a life-size ballerina on stage.

Though out the show, Dale’s comedy and balloon figures captured the audience’s attention. Finally was a black light show with neon balloons glowing as the black light shined on Dale, and his tie glowed a bright green. After the show, Dale invited the audience to come up close, take pictures and try on the peacock balloon hat that he made at the start of the show.

Art of Inflation is just one of the many youth events schedule at the Midlothian Public Library this year. You can learn more about kid’s activities at the calendar of events is http://midlothian.evanced.info/signup/eventcalendar.aspx, or a flyer can be picked up at the library front desk or to learn more about Dale Obrochta entertainment, go to www.PutaTwistOnIt.com.

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