In my world of comedic balloon entertaining, I try to find humor in topics that people don’t normally think about. I know comedy is very subjective, but with the proper wording, timing and presentation you can take a subject of, a parents love for their child, and put a twist on it so it becomes comical. At least that’s my thinking.
For example, I will look at a father with kids and ask…”Which is your favorite kid”
Father, “I don’t have a favorite.”
Dale, “Are you Union man?”
Father, “Yes”
Dale, “You know it based on seniority- the oldest is your favorite. The little guy has no seniority and is stuck doing all the crummy jobs.”
If it were a mom with kids, the conservation would go more like this…
Dale: “So Mom, which is your favorite kid?”
Mom: “Oh, I don’t have a favorite.”
Dale: “Wow, you hate them all?”
Mom: “No, I love my kids.”
Dale: “So come on, which is your favorite? You know you…when you are old, crazy, and pooping in your pants. Which kid are you going to live with?”
Mom: “Laughing – hmm”
Dale: ” Mom you don’t have to pick your favorite; you can live with them for revenge. You know the one that is giving you the most gray hairs—and if it for revenge… let yourself go and get the big old booty, this way they have to by the 4X dippers.”
Dale: “Now kids, if you want to keep mom from moving in with you. Make sure you buy a house that has stairs. Better yet, have stair getting into the house. Stairs keeps parents from moving in. Next, convert the upstairs bathroom in to a walk-in closet and make sure that the bedrooms and the bathrooms are on two different levels. Lastly, get mom to tattoo your sister address on her arm that why when she gets lost the police will take her to your sister’s house.
So look around, take something normal and put a twist on it and see if you can make a normal conversation funny. What’s you’re funny thoughts? Leave a comment…
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