Recap Day Three: 100 Article in October

Recap Day ThreeSo it is day three in the 100 Articles in October, and I hope everyone has been enjoying the material presented. We are slowly getting feedback from the readers and would love to hear more.  If you have been looking for a little mermaid design then  look no further. Patricia’s, How to make a Mermaid out of Balloons is very simple and should be in your arsenal of balloon designs. Now, if you’re worried that the balloon line is getting too long, then you should read Tips on how to Manage a Long Balloon Lines and the comments.  There is some great advice in this article.

Don’t be Clark Kent, Superman is more convincing will help an entertainer build the skills that will help with clients and make the meeting with them be successful. A clever person would then read 10 Tips to Keep a Restaurant Client Happy and combine the knowledge.  These two articles will help develop an entertainers’ skills required to secure a restaurant and provide information on how to keep it, once acquired. Once you get the new restaurant, you can use Tips for Tweeting on Twitter to announce it to the world.

However, there are those people who are just looking for The Best Advertising Idea and are trying to Understanding Corporate Entertainment Pricing but are STRESS of finding things to Blog on that will make you want to wash your  hands of the whole entire industry, when you realize you could be making Soap Bubble Magic. Nevertheless, you are spellbound by The Gateway Drug.

So that’s what has happened, on the third day, of 100 Articles in October.  Like always – Leave me a comment, I will reply.

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