When It Rains, It’s More

Balloon Animals at Kids School Fun DaysI hear it all the time; we will have more activities than just you. We will have bouncers, games, and activities that will keep the kids occupied. These things help reduce the balloon line, but line twisting is never a walk in the park, it is more like a marathon.

As I loaded my balloon supplies into the car, I could see dark gray clouds heading northward. I was heading in that direction. As I drove, the rain drizzled down, the temperature dropped, and I knew the outdoor school event was now going indoors.

I was right. The event was moved inside. My station was between two inflatable jumpers. In years past, I was stationed outside and the kids would run from activity to activity. When the weather is nice kids have other options, but when the weather is bad, balloon requests triple in size!

Today was one of those days, where teachers deposited class after class at my feet. The only option I had was to work quickly, limit the choices and twist efficiently. I twisted balloons for the preschool, first through third grade and siblings. I used approximately 735 balloons in a three-hour period.

Tips for Line Twisting for Schools

  • Establish a line and order
  • It is best if you can have groups by age or grade and make figures for that particular group
  • Encourage group photos, great for teachers and parents
  • Use imprinted balloons
  • Use hats, they are much more visual and easy to produce
  • Do not make swords – swords break easy, and schools have a no weapons rules.
  • Keep all designs to three balloons max
  • Avoid or reduce apprehension by having kids select one favorite color, then you chose all others
  • Explain to the teacher how you would like the kids to line up or sit for best view and line control
  • Request water and adult assistance to help manage and control kids, teachers, and other adults



2 thoughts on “When It Rains, It’s More”

  1. OMG 700+ balloons / 3 hours. I have to speed myself up … to be doubled. Nice article, Dale!

  2. Laszlo, with a little practice, selection of the right design, you too can do 700+ once you get into a rhythm of twisting a design. Once you do that, you’ll be crank out a bunch of balloons too.

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