Art of Inflation Assembly

This entertaining balloon show, Art of Inflation, is the most popular assembly requested. It is a high-energy show that is perfect for schools looking to have a super fun, interactive show with broad appeal and appropriate for transitional kindergarten through 6th grade.

As a dad who knows how to get kids laughing, I bring a bag of tricks that includes building larger-than-life balloon creations like a peacock hat and a big-eyed octopus. Plus, I’ll have a student assistant join in the fun, guaranteeing laughs and cheers from their classmates. Get ready for lots of swaying, clapping, and participation—and they might even spot their favorite teacher on stage, too!

There’s only one show like this in the country, and you’re fortunate enough to live within driving distance to book this one-of-a-kind school assembly. Designed to entertain both students and staff, this time-tested show isn’t your ordinary assembly. It’s entertaining, fun, and truly unique.

Call me today at (708) 744-0234 and grab your calendar to book your show or

The Art of Inflation is an ideal choice when your school searches for entertainment for events like Family Night, Positive Behavior Reward (PBR, PBSS, or PBI) assemblies, or End-of-the-Year School Assemblies. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) represent a dedication to fostering a supportive environment for students, educators, and families. What could be a more delightful way to acknowledge and reward their efforts than with an unparalleled and entertaining show?

The Show Includes:

  • 45-minute all-ages show.
  • Kids and teachers become stars of the show.
  • Choreographed balloon routines to upbeat music.
  • A professional PA Sound System will ensure a whole audience experience.​
  • Stunning blacklight presentation that wow an audience.
  • Colorful five-foot balloon sculptures built on stage.
  • Theatrical backdrop.
  • Colored 8×10 customized poster
  • A write-up to use to promote the show.
  • The school keeps large balloon sculptures.

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