How I Sucessfully Work with Balloon Decorators

BalloonCheshire Cat Balloon Animal 2 art has come a long way from simple round balloons attached to a Mylar filament. I work with well-accomplished balloon decorators in the Chicago land area and they typically come to me because they know I can build it faster and, many times, better then they can. Decorators understand their limitations, just as I understand mine when it comes to designing an elaborate column or shape.

The roll of a Deco-Twister it to fill the void or inexperience between Balloon Artists and Decorators. A Balloon Artist can use outrageous twists, balloons, and techniques. Decorators realize they need to get in and out quickly and do not have the time to fix deflated balloons. Therefore, they do not exploit a balloon as much as a Balloon Artist. When I say exploit, I am referring to using  a balloon other then how it was meant to be used. An example would be a heart balloon, pinching off a nub and using it as a key structural point. Heart balloons are not made for that and thus have a higher rate of failure. A Balloon Artist will take the risk, while a Decorator will redesign the structure to reduce the chance of failure.

I take into consideration that a balloon failure may occur and design it so the odds of failure are reduced. I do not want the call that one of my deco-twisting centerpieces has deflated. So when you are commissioned to be a Deco-Twister, think of stability, ease of setup, and think about structure.

A good Decorator can twist a balloon, so I always make sure I give extra balloons to ensure that if something fails on delivery the Decorator has the proper balloons to fix / mend the sculpture. The last thing you want to do is use the wrong  balloon color, making the the finished  product look tacky. It  reflects  badly on the Party Planner, Decorator or you.


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