If it has not happened, it will shortly. The list of things children will never know, use, or experience. It’s a part of life as the world and technology change. I remember when a phone was just a phone attached to the wall with a cord. A word processor was a typewriter, and if you wanted to know what your friends were doing, you had to go and talk to them.
I have been learning, practicing, improving, and reaching for that next level as the world and technology have changed around me all my life. It is a natural progression, which starts in school. In first grade, I was doing simple addition, and in my final year of college, I was doing calculus.
In college, a mind shift happened. I originally wanted to be a computer programmer and accidentally signed up for a database management class, which introduced me to the world of MIS (Management Information Systems). MIS was about using software and technology to manage data, unlike the computer programming world that constantly reinvented the wheel in another programming language.
I did not realize it, but that mind shift carried over into my balloon entertainment life. I’m not looking to reinvent balloon figures, but to figure how to take that figure along with my entertaining skills and better manage the results, creating happier clients, better routines, and productive use of my time.
I became aware of this realization once again after seeing Edward Reid, Britain’s Got Talent. One does not have to thrill the world with the newest gadget or big flash production. It would be best to impress them with the mastery of basic skills, and that skill is entertaining for me. Does it matter how many completed twists I interconnect to create a balloon figure, or is it my ability to entertain that drives people to hire me?
I may not hire Edward Reid to write a movie soundtrack, but I would hire him to entertain an audience looking for a great time. Reid’s ability to engage did not require backup singers, no flashy videos, no over-the-top production. He used elementary school basics, long forgotten by the youth of today, to entertain millions of people.
Managing our skills is more important than reinventing the wheel.