Colors are being Eliminated?

The present economy has not made it easy for any company while layoffs and cutbacks are happening across the board. It started me thinking about the balloon manufacturers and how they must be coping with decreasing sales. Reports worldwide state that balloon entertainment is slow, and entertainers are not purchasing as many balloons as years past.

Corporate events and weddings are reducing the need for balloon decorations to save money.  If the current trend holds for another year, will manufacturers likely reduce their product line?

Since the balloon twisting industry product line is not as lucrative as the decorating industry, it would seem logical that cuts would come from the twisting side of the business.  If they do eliminate a product, what would it be?  So take a hard look at your twisting balloons – Which color can you live without?

My choice would be 260Q Citrine Yellow or Mandarin Orange. I don’t have a use for these balloons since the introduction of the Yellow and Orange balloon, which is opaque in color, but that’s me.  I’m sure others have an opinion on which balloon you would eliminate, so what would you suggest?

4 thoughts on “Colors are being Eliminated?”

  1. Ugh, I hate hate HATE the citrine yellow! They are weak, and pop far too easily. I would also eliminate the purple in the Qualatex Traditional bags. Deciphering between the black, purple and green is so frustrating. Actually, I would get rid of the entire Traditional assortment; I have never thought it was a good color collection.

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