The Reason why Betallatex 260 Balloons have a Second Inner Bag

The mystery of the inner bag – Why.

For the past year now, I have been ripping opening bags of 260 Betallatex balloons and finding an extra inner bag or a second flat clear poly bag inside the printed resealable bags.  My first thought was, the company ran out of product bags and to prevent the manufacturing line from shutting down, would bag the balloons in flat clear poly bags then later repack them in the product bag. For speed, they just insert a bag inside a bag.

Another idea was maybe these balloons were part of quality a control test.  Every balloon manufacture tests the production line to ensure the product is the right size, color, thickness, etc. Since the balloons were good, they just inserted them into a product bags and off then shipped to distributors.

This seemed like a waste of a plastic bag, but the cost of shutting down a production line is much more expensive than the cost of extra plastic bags. However, this ISN’T the real reason why this occurs, but wrongful guesses on my part.

The real reason why you receive double bagged 260 Betallatex balloons

I contacted Jan Iiams from Betallic on why this happens. The answer I received was not what I was expecting.  For a short while some resealable bags (product bags) were produced with air holes (intentional holes in the bag to allow air to flow out of the bag when it is sealed) that were a little larger than needed. The slightly larger holes had the potential to allow 160 and 260 balloons to work their way out through the holes. The inner bag was just to protect the balloons from falling out of the bag during shipping or handling.

“These bags with the double bagging, we finish using them on May 2010 and in the very specific cases: 160, 260 and neon’s, it corresponds to a minimum % and the double bagging was finished on May 2010” says Oswald Loewy, President and CEO of Sempertex S.A.

Thanks Betallic for explaining the mystery of why Betallatex® brand 260 balloons have an inner bag.


Betallatex® latex balloons are the result of a strategic alliance between Betallic and Sempertex. Both companies bring a unique expertise and history of innovation to the balloon industry. Betallic is primarily a producer of foil balloons and Sempertex is primarily manufactures high quality latex balloons.

This long-term partnership includes an investment and commitment from both companies. As the exclusive distributor of Sempertex balloons under the Betallatex® brand, Betallic’s St. Louis warehouse offers a strategic, centralized location to serve all needs. Both companies pledge to offer quality balloons, innovative designs and superb customer service.

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