A Line from a Movie

Another idiot asking for a bike

While entertaining somebody, usually a male adult, it never fails, with utter “I want a bicycle! Make me a bicycle, clown!” Then, he proceeded to tell me about the movie Wedding Crasher, as if I had never seen the movie.  My comeback is, “Did you see the outtakes where they beat the snot out of the kids with balloons?” Some have responded, “Oh ya, I remember it now,” which is total nonsense because I made up the scene; others will tell me they have to go back and watch it.

The movie Wedding Crashers, made in 2006, forced many balloon artists to create a bike. Either as a challenge or because they just watched the movie and thought I could do a better bike?  I have made a couple of bikes over the years, some simple and others complications.

So for those people who ask for a bike?  Here is just another balloon bike that I made several years ago.

To get the colors, I double stuffed all the balloons.

Display piece for Discover Tinley Exp 2006
Front tire
Back of bike with a sprocket
Revers side of the bike looking at the back tire
Bike sproket
This is the detail in the bike sprocket

If you like old school bikes, check out my old Schwinn

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