Caution: Balloons are fun
toys, but can be dangerous like all toys...PLEASE make sure small
children do not chew balloons or have access to broken bits. We
would like all our kids to grow healthy and happy. I ask you to be
responsible like professional balloonist. Adult supervision is
The first trick to making a balloon animal is to blow up the balloon.
This is hard. You can buy a hand pump or use a football pump to help
blow up the balloons. Do not blow the balloon up all the way... you
only need 1/2 a balloon.
Carefully tie the balloon. When twisting a balloon, always start at
the end with the knot. Do not worry, it will not break if you twist
it, but you must hold on to both ends of the balloon. Otherwise, the
balloon will untwist. The balloon will not stay twisted by itself. You
have to twist the balloon together.
Animals - Baseball Cap
- Step 1--Blow up one balloon 3 quarters.
Step 2--Start at the beginning with the knot and
measure 6" to 6 1/2" and make a twist. Take the nozzle of the balloon
and twist them together. Make sure you hang on to both ends of
balloon, otherwise it will untwist. Do not worry; it will not break. Why didn't it
break? There is space at the end of the balloon for the extra air.
That is why we only blow the balloon up half way.
Step 3--Make another loop the same size and twist
into the other loop.

- If
yours looks like this, very good; if not, try it again. Practice
makes perfect.
Step 4--Take a second balloon and blow it up to its
full length.
Step 5--Slip the ends of the new balloon through the
loops of the first balloon. Should look like the picture.
Step 6--Twist ½" bubble on each end of the balloon and
then twist these bubbles together